It’s been almost two years since I’ve written a Blog post here at I’ve been primarily focused on working on my tabletop gaming business and that hasn’t really left me with a lot of time to do any blogging. However, today I decided to write a post on here about a new project I’m […]

How Being Motivated Can Make You Fat
About a month ago I decided to start focusing on losing weight and getting in better shape – AGAIN. I’ve started the journey of losing weight and getting fit more times than I can remember, and I’ve actually had a lot of success with losing weight. Losing weight is easy. The challenge is that gaining […]

Where I’ve Been Hiding the Last 7 Months and The Future of
Those of you who used to follow my blog – – and maybe some of it’s previous incarnations might have been wondering where I’ve been for the past 7 months or so. My last blog post was from October last year, and then I kind of disappeared. I originally started blogging way back in April […]

How to Engage Your Inner Storyteller to Make Your Dreams Come True
Inside your mind lives a storyteller. This storyteller can either be a HUGE asset to helping your dreams come true, or it can be a HUGE demotivating force in your life. We all have one of these little storytellers inside our minds. The only difference is that some people’s inner storytellers inspire, motivate and encourage […]

How to Market Yourself Online as an Introverted Life Coach
Life coaching is a rapidly growing industry, and one of the biggest challenges that most new life coaches have is not knowing how to build their initial client base and how to market their new coaching business. This challenge is often compounded when the life coach has an introverted personality type. I know because I […]
Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle – Part 3
This is the third part of the “Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle” series. If you haven’t already, check out Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle – Part 1 here, and Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle Part 2 here. If you’ve been following along in the series, so far we have defined one or multiple ideal scenes for waking up […]
Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle – Part 2
This is the second part to the Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle post I wrote yesterday. If you haven’t had a chance to read that one yet, I recommend going back and reading it before continuing on with this post. In yesterday’s post we left off with getting crystal clear on what your ideal “Waking Up” […]

Defining Your Ideal Lifestyle – Part 1
One of the first steps towards living the life you want is getting clear on what you actually want. A few years ago I sat down and put together a detailed description of the lifestyle that I wanted. It definitely wasn’t easy. Knowing what the heck you want from your life seems easy, but it’s […]
How to Stop Manifesting Needless Struggle in Your Life
One of the sneakiest little “mind viruses” that MANY people suffer from is the addiction to manifesting needless struggle in their lives. To some degree we all suffer from this. Some people more than others. I know I’ve done this to myself many times in the past, and it wasn’t until I became aware of […]

The Dream Building Hack That Will Stop You From Self-Sabotaging Your Success
Everyone knows that achieving success in life starts with a dream. It doesn’t matter what kind of dreams we have, it just matters that we DO have dreams. Without dreams life becomes empty, boring, depressing and hopeless. One piece of advice that has been highlighted to me from my mentors in the last few years especially, is […]
My Mindset Hack Which Solidified My Commitment to Blogging Long Term
As someone who has been blogging for over 9 years now, one of the things that has fascinated me for a long time is trying to understand the seemingly endless motivation I and many others have for blogging. I know I didn’t start out having this motivation when I first started blogging. It’s a mindset that […]
3 Reasons Blogging is Better For Lightworkers Than Posting on Facebook
One of the more common reasons that people say that they don’t want to start a Blog is because they say they don’t have the time. We all have busy schedules and lives, and I totally understand the time commitment required to blog on a regular basis. However, I often find that the very people who […]

Be Present Where Your Target Market Is
I often hear people talk about two pillars of building a successful blog being consistency and value. Meaning, the advice to bloggers most often is to create valuable content and to do it on a consistent basis – ideally daily. Although those two pillars of blogging are important, there is another aspect to blogging that […]